Reveal your genius zone


Before our meeting, I would like to invite you to fill out this document.

    Your full name and first name


    Votre email


    Marital status

    Your current position and job

    Your company

    More specific and personal questions: I invite you to answer genuinely (This is purely confidential and will not be shared)

    What is your best quality to excel in your job, in life?

    Which realisation (personal or professional) are you most proud of?

    Describe the main challenges you are facing to develop your leadership?

    What is your biggest fear or frustration in your job or more generally in your life?

    What is your "big why", your drive in your career?

    Which objective is yours for the coming years?

    What would be your main expectation from a Mentorship program? (Name 3 objectives)

    Thank you very much!

    I will take all these elements into account to bring you the best value and  finetune our time together!